Saturday, May 25, 2013

Spring Riding


summer riding

Hey girl Hey

Besides happy colors and skinny jeans I took the time to notice that too busy can slowly impact the degradation of one's health. Being busy astray my mind from building negatives thoughts, I feel that I am not in a stationary position, in fact I feel that I am moving, moving and accomplishing my goals. But in the midst of the noise of being so busy, I've learn that there is a fine line between normally being busy, taking the excuse of being busy to avoid everything and overcroded activities. I remembered trying to put on my hat of super girl by trying to juggle plenty of activities all at once either during the days of the week or during the week-end going around and around until it hits me that I started functioning like a living zombie.I knew that I had to draw a fine line between the hours that I can be busy and the hours that I can just be me, free of anything to do. See, I don't want to be so overcrowded busy that I am not getting the proper sleep that I should get, or so busy that I am not able to feed myself properly. Nor do I want to be so busy that I can't even find the time to spend quality time with my mom or my friends. I do want to go places, I do want to fufill my dreams but how will I make all of this happens and truly enjoy the fruit of my labor if I am neglecting my health? Maybe just maybe I should slow down a bit with the too multi definition of being busy. It's All Love


Effortlesslady said...

Nice post, i was that busy too until i got sick. Now i know better.

Effortlesslady said...

Nice post, i was that busy too until i got sick. Now i know better.