Sunday, February 12, 2012

"Hit em up style" Sunday Sketches

IMG_7974 Architect by day and Illustrator by yet this lover of patterns, interior design and broad buildings is also in transition of building a brand of stationary from the luxury of her home.
Ever since she was a youngster, little Gabriella knew that her heart had always been attached to fine art and the sciences of mathematics.

She wanted to use all her talents to her advantage and broke free from the stigmata that she couldn't have it all. Sure she couldn't be all but she could have it all and since she believed she could, Gabriella is living her dream life. Building houses with a wonderful team at work while balancing her stationary sleek illustration online. We know this girl never took hard work and education for granted and has all the right to live a happy lifestyle. Don't you just love her corset inspired of African tribal prints assemble with her red sole pumps Louboutin? She's on her way for New York Fashion Week with a couple of her friends.
                                             Sharing it with Sunday Sketches
It's All Love
Sophie :)


Unknown said...

This is great fun..full energy and vibrant it.. :)

Priya said...

Here's my happy thought :-)
Cute drawing with lovely color and outfit!

Bethie Engstrom said...

Love your colors (and outfit=). What medium did you use for it?

Lenora said...

lots of zing! vibrant and fun!

Christine said...

She's fantastic and fun!

Magic Love Crow said...

I love her! She is confident and has a spring in her step! Have a great sunday ;o)

Tracey FK said...

love the energy and vibrancy in this sketch... great colours and textures and it just shines...xx

Sinderella's Studio said...

absolutely love her flair and confidence!!!!
cheers, dana

Shaylynn said...


Anonymous said...

thankyou for sharing this with sunday sketches, its fun, bright and beautiful

Alicia C said...

fun piece, great story!

Molly said...

so much fun! love the vibrant colors and energy.

Sophie with her Illustrations said...

Ladies thank you so much for taking the time to see my illustration. It means a lot :)

Jehanne's doodles said...

Love the colours and joy in your illustration :)

Heather said...

the colors are so happy and cheerful!
also love her shoes!!!!!

Shannon said...

Such a cute blog you have! I love this illustration! Makes me wish I could draw.

- Shannon

tifi said...

Absolutely love the vibrancy that goes with your sketches. Very well-done.